


welcoming wish

Ya Allah, Tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati, teguhkanlah hati-hati kami kepada agama-Mu dan tunjukkanlah kami kepada jalan ketaatan

Monday, November 5, 2012

10 Fakta Tentang Awak..yer Awak yg tgh baca post ni...^_~

1.  You are reading this right now
2.  You are realizing that it is a stupid fact
4.  You didn't notice i skipped three
5.  You are checking now
6.  You are smiling
7.  You are still reading this even though it is stupid
9.  You didn't realize i skipped eight
10. You are checking again and smiling about how you fell for it
11. You're enjoying this
12. You didn't realize there's only supposed to be ten fact


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